Tuesday, November 4, 2014


In service, our Pastor discussed not allowing other people take us away from God's Authority. It basically means do not allow other people stir anger in oneself. We must LOOK UP to Him because he had given us the strength to overcome any struggle that effects us physically and/or mentally.

Today, I left my authority by arguing with a man who creates no value in life because he criticizes people's beliefs. Since he is a product of "know somebody" to get ahead in life, he doesn't understand the struggles. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about him as a person that he will not be a friend but an enemy. The man has proven he is not a friend because of the conversation that entangles in his narrow mind.

 To get through it, I decided to listen to Crowder, COME AS YOU ARE, which I will be using for my praise during my OSM sermon.


Saturday, October 25, 2014


About couple of days ago, I had asked God for visions. I have been asking for weeks. However, I don't know what is a vision unless it is in a dream (which I will discuss another vision in another blog). But this came from the third eye. My eyes were closed. I saw a light (like the sun) with color swirling into it. It moved to different parts of the darkness but never lost its dimensions. I thought it was beautiful but I did not understand the vision. I figured "maybe" it was not, my eyes could be playing tricks. However, it was defined and real. As I was leaving a message on a Pastor's YouTube account. He spoke about the verses of Islam vs the verses of the Bible. However, he explained the Bible very well to help Christ believers to defend our faith. He was still kind to the Islam faith believers as long as they were respectful (which I had heard a caller threaten him). But in his discussion, someone criticized his banner. So I looked at his banner. This is the best way I could describe the vision that I had seen.
I am trying to find out who is the artist and learn more about this particular painting. *note I learned it is Van Gogh's Starry Night. 4/02/2015

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Isaiah 40 : 8

Allow God's word become your JOY and PEACE. He will restore  you. He will renew you. He will rebuild you. And in his salvation, you will never die because we have Christ in us every day. And his word is forever like this bridge that I called the FOREVER BRIDGE.

"The grass withers, the flowers fades. But the word of our God stands forever". Isaiah 40:8 NKJV

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Freedom Floods

September 11, 2014 :

 "Freedom floods our hearts the moment we learn that we do not have to be perfect to experience God's love and salvation"

by Charles F. Stanley
 Pathway to His Presence: A Daily Devotional

Read this  passage at 7:55 PM.

Less than an hour ago, I told my mom, my editor-of-chief, that I can't be perfect in my writings. I can't wait for her to be available because my thoughts are constantly moving to subject to subject, emotion to emotion, prayer to prayer, inspiration to inspiration. I would flood her inbox  to edit my work as I am doing to mine.

My work will never be perfect but I am flooded with so much freedom that I want to share it.

Walk with me as I will walk with you in our spiritual breathe from the single strain of our hair to the cuticle of our toe nails.

The Plan

In my 20's, I felt so lost. I felt that I was a woman of faith in God but the faith in man was diminishing. Although I was behaving like I was enjoying life with friends and family, my spiritual being was dying slowly.

I had no one to talk to. I had feelings of spiritual despair. My spiritual being was inhaling the dark. I started to see darkness even I knew light supposed to guide me . I tried to hold onto the little light I had through my natural spirit since childhood. However the imperfection of man destroying other imperfect men creating shaped my internal being.

But as I felt the monsters in me, my God whispered in my ears, "I am with you".

Although I cried many nights, my God whispered, "I am holding you".

Even though I wanted to be violent toward my fellow man, my God whispered, "I am stopping you."

And even the days I wanted to sleep and die, my God whispered, "You have work to do."

Here I am, MY GOD.

Psalm 139:23-24

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2 Timothy 1:7

"God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 

This verse is extremely powerful because we are/had living/lived our lives being timid instead of using the strength that God had given to us.

For myself, it was hard for me to see the light in a world of darkness. People infested me with their dark views, words, energy, and so on. I enjoyed many times the stories and delighted myself in some people miseries because it was not me. I felt no love or emotions for their pain.

As I started to grow in spirituality through prayers. I needed to know my purpose. I searched and searched for answers that it drove me nuts. It made me sad. I wanted to know what was beyond the universe. I wanted to know what was in the deepest oceans and caves.

I had a lot of questions that I knew they will never be answered. 

Keep reading your verses and find comfort in knowingly your questions will eventually be answered. 

Our Coming.

In a world of the imperfect and unfit, we find ourselves looking for answers. Why poverty? Why war? Why hate?

In every country, there are political wars. In my country, it is political, race, social, class, and so on. The minorities are considered lower class based on color. People would call them the “entitled” people even though African descendents have one of the richest Biblical histories.  However, these critics forget their faults because they were raised to believe they are privileged because of their color. For example, a poor 50 year old white man with a 8th grade education would think he is superior than President Obama because of his Kenyan father.

American society fails in many areas, because these race division was not created by God. It is a man-made so one race could feel superior.  Race of man will never be higher than God’s Tribe of Man which were people of all shades.  There are 12 tribes of God as followed Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh. Their blood line is  strong and spread wide and far.  As stated on the website http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/tribes.html , “In Egypt "the Israelites were fertile and prolific; they multiplied and increased very greatly," and there they became the "Israelite people." For  racist white, black, brown, and yellow Americans, who believe they are the chosen people, may be actually causing harm to God tribe’s bloodline that encompasses all these people.

So our obedience is to be kind to all people of all races, religions, and faith. Jesus asks us to be more like him. Our actions will determine our destiny that he plans for us. We are the messengers of all actions and words through his grace and mercy, we will succeed and save  people from darkness that the devil and demons prey on.

Let’s be soldiers of HOPE in JESUS’ NAME because we are his bloodline.

We are the daughters and sons of  Eve (“source of life” child of God),  Sarah (“noblewoman” child of God) and Hagar (“uncertain” child of God), and Mary (“Mother of God”)

Sunday, August 24, 2014


God is a loving and compassionate God.  He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us and enable us with the power to feel the love within ourselves as well as the love that surrounds us.  We experience His Love and Power in different ways, but when we are in our deepest and darkest days or hours, we may not see it or believe that It is near, but it is.  Because of the darkness we may be blind to how the Holy Spirit is manifesting Itself in our lives, or maybe we just refuse to see it.

If we take the Holy Spirit’s Love and apply it to our lives daily, seconds by seconds, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month, year by year…we will see a change in our lives.


In the United States of America, most Americans are familiar with Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior. Even if you have never heard his speech or lived during the fifties or sixties, his voice is familiar and most people recognize his cry for peace and equality. The iconic words of Dr. King that are most recognized is his spiritual outcry for equality and peace are, “Free at last, free at last, my Lord, I am free at last.”

Dr. King has always been a Christian and based on his remarkable quotes he was a Trinity Christian follower. (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/martin_luther_king_jr.html .

He spoke through the scriptures as his motivation to free all people, and to fight against racism, discrimination and oppression. Jesus, the Son of God, was his motivator and inspiration in his journey to fight for freedom, as many black leaders before him have done since the time of slavery.

Dr. King left a legacy that most likely made his heavenly father proud, when he planted the seeds of faith and love on Earth. He shared the true words of God and brought hope to all of God’s people. Though he did no harm to anyone, his enemies, who were blinded by fear and hatred, assassinated him.

When I was a youth I believed that Christianity was a White man’s religion. Why not?  As was portrayed in the movies and churches, it was a White man who crucified a White man named Jesus. I could not understand why Black people wanted to be Christians, where their Jesus is White, rather than some other religion. Why should not I be the other?

Christianity is not a White man’s religion. It is not a religion. It is a faith in the Trinity.  To be a Christian means that you are a follower of Christ. It is following the teaching of one perfect man, Jesus, Son of Man.
Dr. King wasn’t just talking about the physical freedom of citizens of this country but the spiritual freedom of loving all people whether they are rich, poor, black, white, Jewish, Muslim, French, British, And Kenyan, etc.

Even if you are not a Christian, you can still follow Jesus’ teachings to be free. It can make a difference in your life if you choose to practice the teachings of the Bible. We are not perfect, so we will fail. But we learn from our failures and thus are able to relate to others' struggles. If the perfect man can accept our failures as imperfect as we are, then we should be willing to accept others failures as imperfect as they might be.

If history is any indicator, we will always be punished by man for being a Christian.  We are not supposed side with evil by being discriminatory, racist, political hate-baiting, causing pain to others, being neglectful parents, etc…these are sins that will be forgiven if we ask of the Holy Father, God for forgiveness.  It is His promise to us.  If we are led by the LIGHT, then our punishment will diminish and we will become ONE under ONE FAITH and ONE LOVE. History has been known to repeat itself and Christians –By-Name, will lose favor if they do not change.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Sou filha
Eu sou uma irmĂŁ
Eu sou uma mĂŁe
Eu sou um amigo
Eu sou cordeiro de Deus. Ele procura mais de nós para espalhar as sementes de suas palavras. No entanto, para ser uma das plantas, temos que lutar através dos tempos difíceis (as ervas daninhas em nosso campo). Nós não podemos controlar as ervas daninhas que crescem em nossos campos, mas podemos controlar como reagimos, como reagimos e como nos sentimos.

Se seguirmos a Palavra de Deus em nome de Jesus e em um comportamento semelhante ao de Cristo, podemos viver livre. E o sufocamento da nossa incapacidade emocional, físico e mental pode ser liberado lentamente para um maior nível de iluminação espiritual, seguindo o Filho do Homem.

No livro "The Message" apresenta no texto, "... manter a empresa com mim e vocĂŞ vai aprender a viver livremente e levemente".

Através do meu testemunho pessoal, como eu tenho experimentado nos últimos meses, estou finalmente livre.

Translated by Google


I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am a mother
I am a friend
I am God's lamb. He seeks more of us to scatter the seeds of his words. However to be one of the plants, we have to struggle through the hard times (the weeds in our field). We cannot control the weeds that grow in our fields, but we can control how we respond, how we react, and how we feel.

If we follow the WORD of God in Jesus' name and in a Christ-like behavior, we can live free. And the suffocation  from our emotional, physical, and mental disability can slowly be released to a higher level  of spiritual enlightenment by following the Son of Man.

In the book "The Message" presents in text, "...Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly".

Through my personal testimonial, as I have experienced in the last few months, I am finally FREE.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I am on a journey to learn the true path of my spiritual self through Christianity.  I was not raised in the Church.  My mother, who was raised in the Church of God, had a bad experience that made her turn away from her Church and for years she did not attend any church.  My dad, also, came to have doubts about his church and he, too, turned away.  However, in later years, they found their path back to Christianity through the Catholic Church.  Regardless, my parents never parted from their core Christian beliefs and at one time invited a woman to our home to teach us the Bible. My parents have always lived by Christian principles in the way that they treated others and passed those values onto us.  In addition they knew we would find our own way and one-by-one we have, we have exercised our own will.

I have plunged myself into a NEW REVOLUTION called THE WELLNESS REVOLUTION. It comes in many forms: Educational, Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Social, Financial and so on.

My job and business are my financial wellness. I love my job and as a result it has stabilized me financially to the point where I am at peace, in that I am able to pay my bills and provide for my family. I am also able to give back to my parents who have been my rock since birth; until this day as we live. 

My business interest is joined with a company where its goal is to encourage and inspire others to become physically well through nutrition and retail therapy. To learn about my business, visit my sites at http://mannshealth.vemma.com and http://www.myjewellstyle.com/sojourner . 

I am a volunteer with “Cry of the Children” where we help youth to become better citizens in their community. In order for them to reach this goal, we provide services to help the youth become better readers, mathematician, computer literate, dancers, organizers, problem-solvers, etc. It has been proven that if children build their reading skills they will develop other life skills.  We find the child’s strength so he/she can learn to share with his/her peers; he/she becomes the teacher. We find their weakness and build their confidence so that their weaknesses become a natural strength. To find more information to help fund Cry of the Children located in Bloomington, Indiana contact Dellsie Boddie at cryof thechildren@gmail.com .

In order to know your body, you have to know how your body responds to certain physical activities and food. I am not an expert in this field, but I assist a young entrepreneur who is. This new business is called EPOCH Wellness, for more information contact Keith Collins at www.epochwellness.net .

I personally endorse all these businesses and organization.

I have developed my wellness journey through all of these avenues, where I have found happiness and peace. But my Spiritual Peace has always been challenged. I still have not fully understood my Christian faith in that I believe in religious tolerance. Who is Jesus? I know he was a man of peace. My son asked me if Jesus was God. I told him “No”. I didn’t know I had misspoken. I posed the question to a co-worker since he studies the Bible. My parents, now Catholic faith followers, could have answered my question. But I wanted someone who did not know me as a person. He explained to me “Jesus is God”. He explained the meaning of the trinity….God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 

With this, I began my true Spiritual Wellness and my journey for lasting peace.