Saturday, October 25, 2014


About couple of days ago, I had asked God for visions. I have been asking for weeks. However, I don't know what is a vision unless it is in a dream (which I will discuss another vision in another blog). But this came from the third eye. My eyes were closed. I saw a light (like the sun) with color swirling into it. It moved to different parts of the darkness but never lost its dimensions. I thought it was beautiful but I did not understand the vision. I figured "maybe" it was not, my eyes could be playing tricks. However, it was defined and real. As I was leaving a message on a Pastor's YouTube account. He spoke about the verses of Islam vs the verses of the Bible. However, he explained the Bible very well to help Christ believers to defend our faith. He was still kind to the Islam faith believers as long as they were respectful (which I had heard a caller threaten him). But in his discussion, someone criticized his banner. So I looked at his banner. This is the best way I could describe the vision that I had seen.
I am trying to find out who is the artist and learn more about this particular painting. *note I learned it is Van Gogh's Starry Night. 4/02/2015

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