Thursday, August 7, 2014


I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am a mother
I am a friend
I am God's lamb. He seeks more of us to scatter the seeds of his words. However to be one of the plants, we have to struggle through the hard times (the weeds in our field). We cannot control the weeds that grow in our fields, but we can control how we respond, how we react, and how we feel.

If we follow the WORD of God in Jesus' name and in a Christ-like behavior, we can live free. And the suffocation  from our emotional, physical, and mental disability can slowly be released to a higher level  of spiritual enlightenment by following the Son of Man.

In the book "The Message" presents in text, "...Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly".

Through my personal testimonial, as I have experienced in the last few months, I am finally FREE.

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