Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Our Coming.

In a world of the imperfect and unfit, we find ourselves looking for answers. Why poverty? Why war? Why hate?

In every country, there are political wars. In my country, it is political, race, social, class, and so on. The minorities are considered lower class based on color. People would call them the “entitled” people even though African descendents have one of the richest Biblical histories.  However, these critics forget their faults because they were raised to believe they are privileged because of their color. For example, a poor 50 year old white man with a 8th grade education would think he is superior than President Obama because of his Kenyan father.

American society fails in many areas, because these race division was not created by God. It is a man-made so one race could feel superior.  Race of man will never be higher than God’s Tribe of Man which were people of all shades.  There are 12 tribes of God as followed Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh. Their blood line is  strong and spread wide and far.  As stated on the website , “In Egypt "the Israelites were fertile and prolific; they multiplied and increased very greatly," and there they became the "Israelite people." For  racist white, black, brown, and yellow Americans, who believe they are the chosen people, may be actually causing harm to God tribe’s bloodline that encompasses all these people.

So our obedience is to be kind to all people of all races, religions, and faith. Jesus asks us to be more like him. Our actions will determine our destiny that he plans for us. We are the messengers of all actions and words through his grace and mercy, we will succeed and save  people from darkness that the devil and demons prey on.

Let’s be soldiers of HOPE in JESUS’ NAME because we are his bloodline.

We are the daughters and sons of  Eve (“source of life” child of God),  Sarah (“noblewoman” child of God) and Hagar (“uncertain” child of God), and Mary (“Mother of God”)

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