Monday, June 15, 2015

Personal-Spiritual Healthy Development

I feel so blessed that we have videos to express ourselves. There are days I just want to talk instead of writing. I have so much running in my brain that I forget half of it because I do not feel like writing.

I created this video before I left for my Holy Spirit class at church. It was extremely awesome. Read below what has been spoken to me.

1 Corinthians 12:9-11

to another faith [a]by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of [b]healing [c]by the one Spirit, 10 and to another the [d]effecting of [e]miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the [f]distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

I had received this message: (these people do not know what you are going through. You may know them but it does not mean the person understands your present struggle or desires)
Balance (Word) :God will give me balance.
*I have been seeking balance in my life between my work, family, church and writing/photography/creating videos. On top of it, I want to work on my business. I feel like one part of my life is weighing onto me physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Chisel (Word/Vision): God sees me chiseling on people and shaping them  to find the word of God.
*I am working on blogs and videos to inspire others to seek knowledge. I am trying to bring light into people's life. Although I am far from perfect, but we are on the same journey. Mine is on a spiritual journey to be enlightened and helping others find it as well.
Sailboat (Word/Vision): He sees me in this small sailboat in a storm. The waves are high and rough but  I am sailing smoothly. Basically, there will be turbulence in my life with non-believers (haters) but I will sail through the craziness with ease.
Karen (this is our first time meeting and talking)
Thinking/Meditate (Words) : God told me to continue thinking to seek his word and meditate.
*I have been meditating to seek a word as our church told us to practice this gift. But for months, I have been overthinking to seek answers and meaning through the Bible like I had a vision of a Buffalo, I search for the meaning. I was going to stop overthinking about every thing. Meditating is not easy because when I relax, I want to fall asleep. But I have to write down what I hear or see.
Revelation 3:6
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Abigail (as well, I have never spoken to her until this evening)
Creativity: Use my creativity to reach others.
*I have decided to use my photography to create original quotes or Bibles verses to inspire others.
You can view more on this blog or go to @sojournermanns on Twitter
Of course, I had to give them a word which consisted of  stability to Karen, grace to Mathew and Karen.
I had a vision of a tunnel with a light for Calandra. She must move forward. I had given her a word earlier which was "healer". She wants to be a psychologist but her work and her children keep her for finishing her degree.
but the light was at the front and you can't see the inside.
My letter to her: 
Hello Coco.

You have been on  my mind all last night. Your confession had touched me so much that I had to Thank God for his message but I kept thinking about my vision. 

In my own comfort, I had a clearer vision because I was so focused on the vision that  I ignored the initial message. I heard for you to “move forward into this tunnel” but I was overthinking. It was part of my initial message that I had given you about being a healer but I thought it was for other people. Karen nailed it (message to move forward in her education). It was applied to you.

I forgot to mention. I had a vision of a cross before the word “healer” then I had a vision of you.

My message to you: “You are a healer”.

My question that I had written. “Do you want to go into medicine or practice it?”

In which this means, you need to pursue your education if you said “yes”.

With Karen, it had confirmed this message but I missed the point in my vision since I was so into getting one.

 The tunnel represents you in your life. You are on this path but it is not on the road but through this tunnel. The Lord is the light. He will guide you in the darkest areas of your mind. You have to move forward. You are a healer. It is your calling.

When you can see the road, it is easy to know what is in front of you. In a tunnel, you can’t until the light shines on it. You don’t see yourself but God does.

This is my notes before I came home:

“The tunnel represents your journey. The road is above you but your circumstance is in the tunnel. Move forward into the tunnel like Karen said. The light is with you when it seems so bleak. Also, you will heal other.”
When I was drawing your picture, you are supposed move forward.

Here is a song for all that I love by Beyonce', Ave Maria and next by...

Celine Dion's version.

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