Friday, May 15, 2015

My OSM 2 Sermon (April 25th, 2015)

This is my Outpouring School of Ministry Sermon. I was in the second session. This is my second sermon. I will redo the first one at home. So there will be a little more added.

God works in us in all kinds of ways.

Featuring Kari Jobe song, "I Am Not Alone"


John 15:18-19

The World Hates the Disciples
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Matthew 19:26

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

What is Your Prominent Feature :Play Buzz Quiz

I love playing these games by Play Buzz because it is fun and relaxing. Each time I play, it has been pretty much accurate. I don't know its scientific method to figure out the questions and how it calculates your answers.

I know what is my prominent feature: EYES. I have light green eyes. My eyes change colors depending on my clothes and mood.

People told me that my eyes looked green, blue, and gray considering I have my dad's eyes. My mom was born with light eyes that turned into copper brown. I do not have the same colored eyes as my siblings since we range from green-blue eyes to dark brown.

Our children are mixed with various eye colors even though they are dominantly brown eyed kids.
My son has blue eyes and my daughter has brown eyes (but the shape of her eyes stand out).

So I played the game. I got EYES.

You are a people's person and you may seem like an open book, but you have some secrets hidden behind that cool gaze. You have many friends and a unique sense of style in your looks and accessories that everyone is drawn to. You can feel awkward talking to the other gender romantically, but little do you know, your nervousness can be one of your most adorable qualities. You may be a spiritual person, or at least have your own personal philosophy. You can easily convince others to do things for you and a wide variety of people will approach you throughout your life. 

So if you need to relax from a stressful day, play this game. Maybe it will tell you something about yourself. Then, look for God to help you elaborate on these strengths. He did create SCIENCE and man's ability to use it under His guidance.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 1

 I leave you with this song : My Eyes Are Fixed on You by Matt McCoy

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Photography: Orbs

These are orbs in my sister home. This is the beginning of orbs coming into life.

You can read my blog Three Orbs: Message of Love

My sister is being blessed.
 These series of photos were taken the next day.

Family photo. The orb is across my head. It blends in.

Family photo. Orbs is near the carpet.

Orb is above my sister's head.

It is some where here.

Orbs are attacking my mom.
More photos are coming of orbs at my home. My home isn't so fancy.

Subscribe to my blog or follow me on Twitter @sojournermanns .

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Storm of the Fallen Cries

There are days I just want to fall and cry where I stand. People do not understand how hard I try not to fall onto my knees.

I give it to God. I allow His Love to give me the strength.  There are days my head just hurts....not from stress. It is from cries inside my soul. I want to live in a better world but I know He placed me on this Earth to bring his message even if I do not always get it right, but I know in my Heart what he wants from me.

The storm never stays calm when it lands on my head. It meets with disappointments, rejections, and lies. But God will make it all disappear so it will be part of my past.

Proverbs 10:25

When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.

"I Surrender" by Hillsong United

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