Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My Jesus Visions

Spiritually I felt this kinship with God. He had always been my protector. There was story that my mom told me  when I was a little girl, I told her that a lady dressed in white came to me. I gave my mom a message from her to "pray to the light".

My mom said she took the message seriously but she was confused with the message, "pray to the light". In my 20's, my mom informed me of this message that I had given to her. I, of course, do not remember any thing. My mom felt comfortable telling me this story since she recognized this natural spiritual connection to God that I had.  I told stories about God to my sisters and my male cousin. It came out like water flowing from a faucet. It was natural. As I got older, my spiritual storytelling  slowly started diminishing. I had other interests to spark my attention.

After I had my daughter, I started studying the Bible. I had been spiritual attacked by the darker spirits. Then, one evening, I was facing a light. A man approached me. At that moment, I knew he was Jesus. I told him that I was not ready to go because I just had my daughter. I was not sick. The next moment, I was in my bed. I never had forgotten that moment but I kept this encounter a secret until recently.

In March of 2015, I got baptized. I have been attending church actively for over a year. My visions have been coming stronger and some days more frequent. But then one day, I had a vision of Jesus like in a mural painting. The mural was alive. He was laying in a beautiful garden and the sun was behind him. He was smiling. I felt  Jesus had returned 24 years later. But I was in a dream - a vision.

Meanwhile, my pre-teen son has been struggling with his faith and being labeled as a Christian. It has not caused tension in the family, but he has been finding ways to push my buttons. 

I had a vision of my son in the snow struggling. He was dressed in full gear. This was a message to me for his spiritual struggle. But God told me through several confirmations that He will take care of him.

Then one evening, my son and granddaughter were sleeping in bed with me. I thought it was odd that my son wanted to fall asleep with us since he loves being in his own bed. My heart told him "okay" even though I was going to be uncomfortable and cramped. Then, I had to worry that my son would hit my granddaughter since he can be restless. So I was on guard for any movement.

Early morning, I woke up my son to move since I was trying to adjust myself and my granddaughter. He was basically hogging up the bed. I was getting irritated. I was not tired but I did not want my granddaughter to wake up. 

Suddenly I see Jesus standing in my doorway. I was like "Oh my God, I just saw Jesus". He was smiling at me wearing his white hooded rob. I smiled for that moment that He had came to me. He did not come to me in my dream like before or some unexplained phenomenal. He stood in front of me in my active-sane-alert- waking state of mind.

I called my mom and told her about seeing Jesus. She was like "I see him all the time but in my dreams". I told a co-worker, who attends my church, the next work day. He asked me if I knew a young lady named Akiane Krmarik. I told him, "No". He explains to me that she had visions of Jesus and draws portraits of him. I was intrigued. He sent me her video. Then he asked me, "Did he look like that?" I responded, "Not exactly, but close. One of her photos was too pretty". 

I searched through one of her videos. There was a shot of her creating a portrait. I stopped it and snip clipped it. I told him "this is what he closely looks like". But he was not as rough.

You can see her documentary at this link.

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