Thursday, May 1, 2014


I am on a journey to learn the true path of my spiritual self through Christianity.  I was not raised in the Church.  My mother, who was raised in the Church of God, had a bad experience that made her turn away from her Church and for years she did not attend any church.  My dad, also, came to have doubts about his church and he, too, turned away.  However, in later years, they found their path back to Christianity through the Catholic Church.  Regardless, my parents never parted from their core Christian beliefs and at one time invited a woman to our home to teach us the Bible. My parents have always lived by Christian principles in the way that they treated others and passed those values onto us.  In addition they knew we would find our own way and one-by-one we have, we have exercised our own will.

I have plunged myself into a NEW REVOLUTION called THE WELLNESS REVOLUTION. It comes in many forms: Educational, Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Social, Financial and so on.

My job and business are my financial wellness. I love my job and as a result it has stabilized me financially to the point where I am at peace, in that I am able to pay my bills and provide for my family. I am also able to give back to my parents who have been my rock since birth; until this day as we live. 

My business interest is joined with a company where its goal is to encourage and inspire others to become physically well through nutrition and retail therapy. To learn about my business, visit my sites at and . 

I am a volunteer with “Cry of the Children” where we help youth to become better citizens in their community. In order for them to reach this goal, we provide services to help the youth become better readers, mathematician, computer literate, dancers, organizers, problem-solvers, etc. It has been proven that if children build their reading skills they will develop other life skills.  We find the child’s strength so he/she can learn to share with his/her peers; he/she becomes the teacher. We find their weakness and build their confidence so that their weaknesses become a natural strength. To find more information to help fund Cry of the Children located in Bloomington, Indiana contact Dellsie Boddie at cryof .

In order to know your body, you have to know how your body responds to certain physical activities and food. I am not an expert in this field, but I assist a young entrepreneur who is. This new business is called EPOCH Wellness, for more information contact Keith Collins at .

I personally endorse all these businesses and organization.

I have developed my wellness journey through all of these avenues, where I have found happiness and peace. But my Spiritual Peace has always been challenged. I still have not fully understood my Christian faith in that I believe in religious tolerance. Who is Jesus? I know he was a man of peace. My son asked me if Jesus was God. I told him “No”. I didn’t know I had misspoken. I posed the question to a co-worker since he studies the Bible. My parents, now Catholic faith followers, could have answered my question. But I wanted someone who did not know me as a person. He explained to me “Jesus is God”. He explained the meaning of the trinity….God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 

With this, I began my true Spiritual Wellness and my journey for lasting peace.